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The Importance of Client Instructions

All corporate clients have different medical and process requirements when it comes to travelling overseas for their employment. Client Instructions (CI) are the basis of what we do for you. And like everyone, we all want it done efficiently.

Travel Doctor-TMVC has an internal process for relaying company specific information and medical requirements to our operational staff. CI are designed to include only your specific contact details, invoice and billing information, medical assessments, summary recommendations, investigations, vaccine requirements, malaria education and prevention and finally, the need for kits and supplies.

Your CI may include the below information:

  • Debtor name and client ID
  • Specifically set out medical assessment combinations – these can be labelled
  • Medical paperwork requirements
  • Invoicing information and requirements e.g. purchase order number or specific account to be used.
  • Medical results email address.
  • Any special information for the staff actioning the medical e.g. Doctor, Nurse, Bookings or Billings’ team.
  • Notification requirements
  • Authorised company contacts and who to contact in the event of a vaccination decline.

It can also be used as a tool by the Business Development team to resolve service delivery issues by adding specialised notes or information from a Clinic/Client Partner perspective. For some companies this allows you to provide a standardised care and a singular point of referral.

If you would like to review your Clinical Instructions please don’t hesitate to contact


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